Saturday, August 12, 2006

Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all.”
-Harriet Van Horne

Excerpts from my Diary:

February 12th

After one month of initial hotel stay, Me and Sanju just moved into this apartment with Arvind and Pratyush, guys from Cognizant. Arvind and Pratyush also came to US just two weeks back. Finally had some home made food after one month of pizzas and burgers. Besides, when you have come on short term onsite assignments, you can't afford to waste dollars by eating from ouside all the time. Sanju and Arvind are really good cooks. Arvind's sambar tasted just like the one you get at Saravana Bhavan at T nagar. Sanju made great bindhi sabzi. Pratyush didnt know much of cooking, so he cut the vegetables and as for me, well my only cooking experience involves an extremely courageous act of making Maggi Noodles , which ended up in damaging Mom's beloved non-stick vessel beyond recognition. So only contribution I could make was washing the dishes. Need to learn cooking soon, washing dishes is no fun.

March 6th

Dear Diary, you would be proud to know that I am well on way to become an accomplished cook. Which is a good thing in more than one ways. I dont have to wash dishes all the time and besides if software industry is hit by another recession and I am fired and all, I think I can easily become a Chef at some restaurant. We dont have any hard and fast rules as to who should cook when because basically all of us enjoy cooking and everyday any two of us enter into the kitchen at random. Its fun. I dont miss home made food.

April 25th

I dont know whats happening to the guys. Nobody has been volunteering to cook these days. All have become very lazy. Last week I had to cook for three consecutive days. Arvind and Sanju go to play tennis as soon as they are back from work and come back late in the night. Pratyush has suddenly fallen in love with his old college mate who's now in the east coast. He's obviously on phone all the time. So that leaves only me to do the cooking duties. Cutting vegetables and washing dishes day after day is getting quite boring. I think its high time to make some “Kitchen Rules”.

May 15th

Last friday we had a big fight as to who is supposed to cook that night. Finally we had a meeting and decided to bring some process into the whole thing. We pasted a “Kitchen Rules”chart and a calender on the wall. From now on everybody will take turns and sign their initials on the calender on the days they cook. Things have returned back to some sort of normalcy now. Everybody is reluctant though, but rules are rules. Food doesn't taste that good. The less said about Arvind's sambaar, the better. Everybody tries to finish it of in minimum time possible. How it tastes is of nobody's concern.

June 10th

Ordered pizza tonight. Had dinner from India Cook House yesterday night and made some noodles for myself the night before that. The “Kitchen Rules” has gone down the drain, quite literally. It happened quite fast though I could see it coming. When the kind of food thats being made went from bland to plain inedible, cooking just stopped. It was a mutual decision and everybody were quite happy with that. On the plus side, the camaraderie that was missing in the last couple of months has returned back. The tension in the air that used to be there earlier when nobody enters into the kitchen is gone. Kitchen has now become part of our indoor SCG. If your straight drive lands in the kitchen, it a boundary. A good amount of hard earned dollars is going to India Cook House and Dosa Place instead of my Citi NRE account, but as they say, Health is Wealth.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excerpts from my dairy

Hmm, this first line of your post made me belive this would be all about your travails with cows :)

3:59 PM  
Blogger The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

LOL. this was funny. :-)

4:17 PM  
Blogger Happy-Go-Lucky said...

Lolz Ash, and thanks for pointing it out.

I have corrected the typo.

5:30 PM  
Blogger Lalit Singh said...

Dude... I so know what u r talking about.
Initially it seems fun. But after one year of cooking I must say that entering the kitchen is something I dont look forward to.

Aaaaaah....the woes of single men... sigh

12:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice one!! Enjoyed your post very much. Guess I understand how it feels when hard earned money goes into the nearest restaurant...i depend on hotels for everything!! Tea and water included! Thank god they have Indian hotels aplenty in Dubai and they deliver for free!! tried my hand at cooking and gave up, more out of my neighbours insistance than anything. Left the vessel on the gas and forgot. It turned black and nearly melted!!

5:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey...anyone see the connection with many other things in life like say, marriage? The initial honeymoon phase et al...

9:42 AM  
Blogger Swapna said...

I totally get you. Same thing happened with me and my roommate.

4:52 PM  
Blogger Happy-Go-Lucky said...

@ TGFI : Glad you lied it.

@lalit : U said it. We are currently in that year phase. Only way out is to get married to a nice girl with good culinary skills. :-)

Anjaly : Thanks for stopping by. Its not jst abt money but also health. Most desi restaurants here have irreristable buffet lunch but they are so high in fat that it offsets your 1 week's gym.

Anon : Yeah, good observation. Now let me go thru a honeymoon and will let you know :-)

Swapna : Well, all I can say is U r in august company! :-)

8:40 PM  
Anonymous michael morgan said...

i dont agree with the quotation of Harriet...

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12:14 AM  
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10:34 PM  
Anonymous Cheap Jersey Boys Tickets said...

ok, you clearly have too much time on your hands. If you're going to do this, could you spend your time researching tax loopholes instead?

In any case, what the law actually says is largely irrelevant isn't it?

1:38 AM  
Blogger chester said...

Well, the only thing i know for sure is that we all gonna be great here
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2:00 AM  

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